Mother is a "doing word"

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Societal norms and expectations often cause mothers to feel guilty and selfish for cultivating their own creativity; they are expected to be selfless. In different ways I see all my female friends struggle with this. We schedule creativity into our lives between the myriad of jobs and expectations that accompany motherhood and being a "good" partner.

I have some amazingly interesting and talented female friends. We all squeeze the seconds out of the day to enable our creativity.

After a few false starts, with conflicting calendars and last minute family needs to attend to, I finally had a festive morning of collusion and coffee last saturday. I threw open the doors to my studio and welcomed some awesome creative female friends for a photo shoot.

Jodie McBride - photographer (
Rachel Miller  - model (young and edgy like I used to be, just way more gorgeous)
Petra - fashion designer, and fabulous (

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  • Hi Mum

    reeeeee on

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